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    News|Majors of ZCMU Newly Selected as National First-class Undergraduate Major Construction Sites

    来源 :       作者 : 张赛君     时间 : 2022-06-27

    According to the lists recently issued by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE), 3 majors of ZCMU, namely TCM Orthopedics and Traumatology, Preventive Medicine and Health Services and Management, have been newly selected as national first-class undergraduate major construction sites adding the total number to 11; 4 majors, Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, TCM Rehabilitation, Data Science and Big Data Technology and Pharmaceutical Preparations as provincial first-class undergraduate major construction sites, adding the total number to 24. Hence, all the enrollment majors of ZCMU are first-class major construction sites.

    Since the launch of the "Double Ten Thousand" Initiative (construct around 10,000 national and provincial first-class undergraduate major sites) in 2019 by MOE, 3 rounds of selection of national and provincial first-class undergraduate major construction sites have been conducted and 2021 marked the last round. To construct first-class majors orienting towards the future and satisfying demands with leading development, advanced philosophies and strong support, MOE has selected 11,761 national first-class undergraduate major construction sites.

    (National First-class Undergraduate Construction Sites of ZCMU (11))