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    News|2 professors of ZCMU were ranked as "2021 Elsevier Most Cited Chinese Researchers"!

    来源 :       作者 : 张赛君     时间 : 2022-04-22

    ZCMU faculty Congratulations! Professor Chen Zhong, president of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Prof. Qin Luping, Doctoral Supervisor and Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, were ranked as " 2021 Elsevier Most Cited Chinese Researchers " !

    Professor Chen Zhong takes the neuropharmacology of histamine and its receptors and the pathogenesis of epilepsy as his key research directions. Having engaged in research on the pathogenesis of chronic brain diseases and drug treatment targets for many years,  he has won the First Prize of Natural Science from the Ministry of Education, the First Prize of Natural Science of Zhejiang Province and the First Prize of Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. Prof. Chen has written 14 books and 6 patents. 300 academic papers of him have over 10000 citations in various authoritative journals, and 8 are recommended by F1000.

    Prof. Qin’s main research interests include anti-osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis in ethnic Chinese medicine, biodiversity of symbiotic bacteria and its influence on the quality and genuineness of Chinese medicine, and R&D of new Chinese medicines. He has presided 9 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 18 other national and provincial level projects, published more than 300 papers in authoritative journals, edited and co-edited 25 books, and was granted 33 national invention patents.

    The Elsevier list uses Scopus, the world's authoritative citation and index database, as the statistical source of the scientific research achievements of Chinese scholars and the selection method designed by Shanghai Ranking, covering 84 first-level disciplines in 10 disciplines of the Ministry of Education.